Sustainably Raised Produce

We began raising produce to sell at the Watauga County Farmers' Market in 1979. Since that time we have never used herbicides, fungicides, or chemical pesticides. We grow our produce from seed or from transplants we start in our greenhouse beginning in February. Weeds are controlled with tillage, landscape fabric, hand weeding and hoes. At harvest, our produce is washed and then placed in our walk in cooler until it's brought to you at the farmers' market or to your CSA delivery. There aren't many farms that can say your food has been grown in ground that hasn't seen a chemical input in almost forty years! Come see us at the Watauga County Farmers' Market from April through November, the Boone Winter Farmers' Market from December through March, or join our CSA and enjoy a weekly delivery from May through October!
Free Range Eggs
Since Creeksong Farm started we have had a small flock of hens, but beginning in 2014 we began to keep almost 200 birds, which allows us to have plenty of eggs for our CSA and farmers' market customers. Our chickens are Hy-Line Brown sex link birds that lay beautiful brown eggs all year round. We have a light in the coup on a timer, so the birds will produce during the winter, and allow free choice feed and water at all times. When the weather cooperates, the birds are allowed to roam outside to eat bugs, roll in the dirt, and do whatever it is chickens love to do. We feed them a locally milled feed from Chris Greene, located in Laurel Springs. Come by the markets or join the CSA to get a dozen or two or our delicious eggs!
Grass Fed Beef

Creeksong Farm has been raising cattle since 2004 and we took our first beef to slaughter in 2008. Since then we have been supplying the High County with delicious, nutritious, grass fed beef. Our beef is available at the Watauga County Farmers' Market, through our CSA, at the farm, and delivered by request to the surrounding area in sufficient quantities.
We have a herd of Angus brood cattle and keep a bull with them for breeding. We raise the calves to the age of 18-24 months in order to achieve the best tenderness and flavor. During this time they are allowed mother's milk, fresh water, all the summer grass they can eat, and hay that we harvest from our farm in the winter. We then take them to Washington County Meat Processing in Bristol, VA where they are slaughtered, aged for fourteen days, processed, and vacuum packed for sale. Below are the cuts we usually have for sale and the pricing.
Ground Beef $7.00 lb
Cube Steak $7.50 lb
Beef Stew $7.50 lb
Sirloin Tips $9.00 lb
Sirloin Steak $12.00 lb
NY Strip Steak $14.00 lb
Ribeye Steak $17.00 lb
Filet Mignon $24.00 lb
Liver $3.00 lb
Soup Bones $3.00 lb
Ox Tail $3.00 lb
Heart $3.00 lb
Kidney $3.00 lb
Tongue $3.00 lb
Short Ribs $7.00 lb
Pastured Pork

In 2012 we raised our first pigs on the farm. We buy them at 30-50 lbs and grow them until they are around 250 lbs. Because we find them so challenging to grow (and to keep them where they are supposed to be), our pork is only available through our CSA. Join for the summer to get some great sausage that has been raised on our hillsides! We sell pork chops and roasts but these are also only available to our CSA members.
Timber and Firewood

Starting in 2003, when he returned home from college, Will began clearing land on Creeksong Farm to grow more produce and to be able to have pasture and hay fields to support our cattle herd. Since then he has cleared over fifty acres! The products from this clearing, timber and firewood, also provide a steady income in the winter months. The timber is sold to local sawmills and the firewood is cut and split on the farm and delivered to most areas of the High Country. We currently are not taking new firewood customers since Will is cutting and splitting as fast as he can these days!