Community Supported Agriculture is a partnership between the farmers and the CSA members. CSA members pre-purchase food from the grower, providing financial support in the spring. In return, members receive extremely fresh, locally grown food each week, while helping to preserve the agricultural nature of our community. Members can feel, first hand, the natural rhythms of the growing season. They can be more in touch with the offerings unique to each season. Please read our Frequently Asked Questions below!
CSA Information:
We are offering 120 shares this year. In 2020 we sold out for the first time ever and had to create a waiting list so be sure to sign up early. Besides a variety of produce, we offer beef, eggs, and pork from our farm.
- Delivery Dates: All shares run 20 weeks beginning in late May.
- Deposit dates:
May 1st: total cost of share is due
Full shares cost $500.00 and will receive $25.00 worth of food each week.
Half shares cost $300.00 and will receive $15.00 worth of food each week.
Vegetarian shares are available. On weeks when we give beef and/or eggs, vegetarian shares will get more produce to make up the difference in cost. We ask that you tell us when you sign up that you would like a vegetarian share.
Pick up Days:
We will have two options for pick up days.
You must CHOOSE ONE for the entire season!
- Tuesday afternoons between 5:00 and 6:30 P.M. at the Horn in the West Parking Lot in Boone, NC (location of the Watauga County Farmers' Market) or between 4:00 and 6:00 P.M. at our farm in Creston, NC.
- Wednesday afternoons between 4:00 and 5:30 P.M. at the Ashe County Farmers' Market in West Jefferson.
- Saturday mornings at the Watauga County Farmers’ Market between 8:30 A.M. and 1:00 PM.
Going to be away one week?
We understand that summer is prime vacation time. With this in mind, we are offering the chance to make up ONE week if you have to miss. If you let us know at least 4 days in advance (so we don’t pick for you that week), we will give you a voucher worth the price of your weekly share ($25.00 or $15.00) to use at our booth at the Watauga County Farmers’ Market.
Want to join?
Please email us (creeksongfarm@gmail.com), call us at (336) 385-6302, or click here.
Our mailing address is: Creeksong Farm, 883 Baldwin Gap Rd., Zionville, NC 28698.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. If you are new to our CSA, you may be asking yourself, “What will I get?”
Lettuces, spinach, spring onions, bigger onions, tomatoes, potatoes, a connection to our farm, beets, swiss chard, sugar snap peas, apples, basil, beef, pork, the knowledge that you are helping to preserve local farmland, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, eggs, green beans, kale, delicious recipes from our kitchens, parsley, summer squash, and zucchini.
Here’s what you won’t get: pesticides, antibiotics or hormones in your beef, eggs, or pork, food that has traveled too many miles to get to you, or a lot of unusual produce that you don’t know how to cook.
2. What if I realize I’m going to be late or miss the pickup time?
CALL US! We give out our cell phone number in every weekly email. If you are going to be late, give us a call and we’ll leave your food at the pickup site for you. However, if you don’t call us, we cannot save your food for you, even if you are willing to come out to the farm. We simply do not have the storage space for that. Sorry!
3. What if we are going to be out of town for several weeks this summer?
We will give you a voucher for 1 of those weeks if you let us know at least 4 days in advance (so we don’t pick for you). For the other weeks, we suggest you find a friend or neighbor who might want to pick up your food -- many vegetables will keep if stored properly, and our beef is always frozen and can be put back in the freezer. Also, a week’s share makes a nice treat for someone watching your house while you are gone!
4. What is different about the Creeksong CSA?
Creeksong Farm has been around a long time, since 1979, and has used organic methods since day one. We were certified organic in the 1980’s but nothing on the farm has changed, just the cost of certification. We are a family owned business. Will & Jeff Thomas make all of their income on the farm. We grow everything right here on our farm and have an annual open house for CSA members to come visit the farm. We also do not receive outside money to run our CSA, making us financially sustainable as well.
5. Why do we (the farmers) like the CSA?
Farming is a tricky financial business. We need money in the spring to buy materials and seeds, but with the typical farmers’ market model we wouldn’t make any money until the summer. With the CSA model, customers give us the money we need up front to start our operation for the year without going into debt, and in return they get the first and best selection of our fine produce.
6. How does Creeksong Farm figure out the value of the vegetables each week to add up to the total amount?
We use the same prices for the CSA that we use at the Watauga County Farmers’ Market. Occasionally, we charge the CSA a little bit less than market prices, but never more. We guarantee that you will get your money's worth every single week and not just a guess of what we think your share should look like.
7. Can I switch from Tuesday to Saturday pick up after the season has begun?
There is a lot of planning and organization that goes into delivering this much food each week on the appropriate day. We plant and harvest produce with certain numbers in mind, and switching throws us off, making it difficult to provide everyone with the best produce. Therefore, please do not ask to switch your pickup day!
1. If you are new to our CSA, you may be asking yourself, “What will I get?”
Lettuces, spinach, spring onions, bigger onions, tomatoes, potatoes, a connection to our farm, beets, swiss chard, sugar snap peas, apples, basil, beef, pork, the knowledge that you are helping to preserve local farmland, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, eggs, green beans, kale, delicious recipes from our kitchens, parsley, summer squash, and zucchini.
Here’s what you won’t get: pesticides, antibiotics or hormones in your beef, eggs, or pork, food that has traveled too many miles to get to you, or a lot of unusual produce that you don’t know how to cook.
2. What if I realize I’m going to be late or miss the pickup time?
CALL US! We give out our cell phone number in every weekly email. If you are going to be late, give us a call and we’ll leave your food at the pickup site for you. However, if you don’t call us, we cannot save your food for you, even if you are willing to come out to the farm. We simply do not have the storage space for that. Sorry!
3. What if we are going to be out of town for several weeks this summer?
We will give you a voucher for 1 of those weeks if you let us know at least 4 days in advance (so we don’t pick for you). For the other weeks, we suggest you find a friend or neighbor who might want to pick up your food -- many vegetables will keep if stored properly, and our beef is always frozen and can be put back in the freezer. Also, a week’s share makes a nice treat for someone watching your house while you are gone!
4. What is different about the Creeksong CSA?
Creeksong Farm has been around a long time, since 1979, and has used organic methods since day one. We were certified organic in the 1980’s but nothing on the farm has changed, just the cost of certification. We are a family owned business. Will & Jeff Thomas make all of their income on the farm. We grow everything right here on our farm and have an annual open house for CSA members to come visit the farm. We also do not receive outside money to run our CSA, making us financially sustainable as well.
5. Why do we (the farmers) like the CSA?
Farming is a tricky financial business. We need money in the spring to buy materials and seeds, but with the typical farmers’ market model we wouldn’t make any money until the summer. With the CSA model, customers give us the money we need up front to start our operation for the year without going into debt, and in return they get the first and best selection of our fine produce.
6. How does Creeksong Farm figure out the value of the vegetables each week to add up to the total amount?
We use the same prices for the CSA that we use at the Watauga County Farmers’ Market. Occasionally, we charge the CSA a little bit less than market prices, but never more. We guarantee that you will get your money's worth every single week and not just a guess of what we think your share should look like.
7. Can I switch from Tuesday to Saturday pick up after the season has begun?
There is a lot of planning and organization that goes into delivering this much food each week on the appropriate day. We plant and harvest produce with certain numbers in mind, and switching throws us off, making it difficult to provide everyone with the best produce. Therefore, please do not ask to switch your pickup day!